

Access Portal

Web browser
Access the following URL to access to
Environments URLs

Browser compatibilities:
Operation Support Browsers
Windows 7 Internet Explorer 11
Google Chrome (latest publicly released version)
Windows 8 Internet Explorer 10
Internet Explorer 11
Google Chrome (latest publicly released version)
Windows 10 Internet Explorer 10
Internet Explorer 11
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome (latest publicly released version)
Mac OS
(10.8, 10.9, 10.10, Apple iPad)
Apple Safari (latest publicly released version)
Google Nexus 10 Tablet Google Chrome (latest publicly released version)


Portal Management

  1. You will receive “Votiva Portal Invitation Letter” which contains Redeem Code information to Sign in Portal, as template bewlow:

  1. Click “Here” in your received email and open attached file “ Training Document” for further guidance. After click “Here”, system will direct you to Portal Page -> Click “Register”

***Notes: Please do not modify Invitation code. Otherwise,  you can not register to portal
  1. System opens “Sign in” form -> System will copy your emaol in “Email” field-> Fill inUsername”, “Password”, “Confirm Password” -> click Register
  1. You can find Your Profile as sign-in portal
  1. Click Sign in navigation bar -> Input your User Name and Password as you registered to resign in portal
  1. Click Sign in
  1. Navigate to your portal, click Sign In from the top right navigation, then click on the Forgot Your Password button from underneath the username and password fields.
  1. Enter in your email address in Email field, and click Send.
  1. You will receive an email to reset password as below-> click a link
  1. Fill in your new password -> Reset -> resign in with new password again
    1. Edit Profile
A portal user is able to view and edit essential contact detail. Any updates made via the portal interface will be immediately written back to Dynamics 365.
  1. Sign-in Portal-> Click “Profile”

  1. Choose Update

Case management

  1. Sign-in Portal -> choose My Support -> choose “Open a New Case
  1. Fill-in information to submit case. And you can attache error logs in Attach a file section
Field case description:
Title Yes Type a subject or descriptive name, such as the request, issue to identify the case in Microsoft Dynamics 365 views.  
Customer Yes  The customer account which has a CS agreement with Votiva System loads your company name in this field by default
Contact Yes A contact for this case which belongs to that customer System loads your contact name in this field by default
Subject No Choose the subject for the case, such as catalog request or product complaint, so customer service managers can identify frequent requests or problem areas.  
Severity Yes Select the severity of this case to indicate the incident's impact on the customer's business.  
Areas of Incident No Choose areas that a casse has been occurred to provide more information for a quick resolution  
Contract Yes Choose the service contract that the case should be logged under to make sure the customer is eligible for support services.  
Contract lines Yes Choose the contract line that the case should be logged under to make sure the customer is charged correctly.  
Issue reasons No Choose reasons that a case has been occurred  
Description Yes Type additional information to describe the case to assist the service team in reaching a resolution.  
Attactch a files No Attache a log file for more informaiton  

  1. Click “Submit Case”
  1. Sign-in Portal -> choose My Support -> choose a case
  1. Edit information -> Update
Display Case list
To display cases in system, go to  Customer Services > Case and choose a view:
View Name Descriptions
1. My open case To show all cases in Dynamics 365 with status active of your company
2. All closed case To show all cases in Dynamics 365 of your company which was resolved
3. All my case To show all cases in Dynamics 365 with status active of your company

  1. Sign-in Portal -> choose My Support
  2. Cick choose  any active contract at contract section to view all respective cases which was submitted for that contract.


Knowledge base resources are great tactic for dealing with frequently asked questions and service issues. Using native knowledge capabilities, a library of articles is accessible to customers and other portal users to find solutions and answers.
To deflect new support issues, portals promote suggested knowledge articles based on the keywords entered – even before a case is submitted:

Or you can browse to Knowledge Base section to viel a variety of knowledge base article

Or you can browse to navigation bar -> choose “Home” -> input Topic/Title of your question/issue in Search Box -> system will show related articles that you can reference before officially submitting a case

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